JustGreen project (CERV-2023-CITIZENS-CIV 101147371) aims to engage the V4 citizens in debates and other forms of public engagement around decarbonization in three areas that are intimately linked to their everyday lives: housing, transport, and the job market. The public engagement activities, along with the ancillary research, shall pinpoint specific obstacles citizens and communities encounter when implementing climate-friendly steps or adapting to the EU decarbonization policies.
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This project will encourage debates and other forms of engagement among the V4 citizens, and it will bring their feedback to local, national, and EU-level politicians, thus fostering citizen ownership of the EU climate and environmental policies.
Click the About section to find out more about the project and the participating institutions. If you want to find out more about the newest updates go to News section. To find out about our upcoming events, and to learn about past events you can visit the Activities section. In this same section you can learn about the research carried out and all public reports and deliverables. To find out more about the people responsible for this project and its various parts go to the Team section.
JustGreen is carried out by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy in Czechia; Bratislava Policy Institute in Slovakia; 21 Research Center in Hungary; The Projekt: Polska Foundation in Poland; STEM in Czechia, and is supported by the European Union.